
Most Common Garden Pests | How to Control Pest

The Ultimate Guide to Control Garden Pests

Those who are dedicated to cultivating the land know the enormous efforts involved in growing a crop. This also applies to a garden. It is too many months, or years, of care and pampering to allow our plants to end up being struck down by a plague and all our effort goes directly to the garbage can. Growing a garden is an investment of time and money.

The appearance of insects is often inevitable, but we can act quickly to prevent them from becoming a plague that ends up destroying our illusions. In the case of plague, the most effective option is fumigation, so having the contact of a fumigation company in Kolkata at hand is advisable.

Next, we will see what are the most common pests in a garden and some measures to prevent them.

Why are there so many insect pests in a garden?

Insect pests in a garden appear when one of two factors occurs: humidity or prolonged increase in temperatures. These pests usually make their appearance in spring and remain until the cold weather arrives. Humid and warm environments are a breeding ground for insects.

The worst thing about these pests is the speed with which they spread, so once they appear, taking preventive measures may not be enough and spraying is the only way to prevent them from destroying your entire crop.

Pests cause irreparable damage to our plants and, sometimes, the fact of not knowing which particular parasite is affecting us only makes the problem worse and makes us lose precious time. That is why spraying is the most effective remedy.

Most common types of pests in a garden

Garden Pest

Most insects are strongest in summer, when temperatures are strongest, although some of them can make their appearance in winter, especially if we are talking about indoor plants. Therefore, you must never let your guard down. Let’s see which are the most common insects to find in a garden, and we note that they are many and different.

Aphids and ants

Aphids feed on the sap of the plant. They are plentiful when the heat hits and can be seen on the underside of new leaves. As a result, the plant runs out of nutrients and ends up drying out and dying. Aphids reproduce very fast.

Aphids are closely related to ants because they protect them. Besides, there is a species of ant, the pruner, which appears in autumn and eats the stems of the plants.


This insect prefers dry environments so, depending on the time of year, they can attack indoor or outdoor plants. In autumn they can appear on plants inside the house, while in the summer, when there are more leaves, they are common outside, attacking the sap of the plants. As a result, the plant dries up and dies.

In addition, the mealybugs leave a substance impregnated in the leaves that, in turn, serve as food for the fungi.


It also appears when there is heat and humidity and, like mealybugs and aphids, feed on the sap, thus killing the plant. They lay their eggs on the underside of the leaves. In addition, its secretions serve as food for fungi.

Worms, slugs and snails

Worms destroy roots and bulbs, while slugs and snails feed on the most tender shoots. Also, the mucus they leave behind is toxic.

In addition to these insects, there are others that also attack our gardens, such as:

Saw wasp: bites the plant. It appears in very fertile and dry soils.

Borers: holes in fruits, leaves and trunks.

Geranium butterfly

Flower beetle: devours the petals.

Processionary caterpillar: it acts by drying the branches, so the tree stops growing.

Black donut: appears at night.

Red spider sucks the sap.

How to prevent pests in the garden

The first preventive measure to avoid the contagion of pests in our garden is to monitor the species that we introduce. When buying a plant, take care that it does not come infected.

On the other hand, taking care of environmental conditions is key. Because plants are living beings and they need to be in a suitable environment for their needs. When this fails, plants are weakened and exposed to pests and diseases. Proper watering, the right amount of light, and good quality soil are essential to a plant’s good health.

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Even with all possible precautions, pests sometimes appear. If this happens, you have to act as quickly as possible. Carrying out pest control in Kolkata is the most effective method of guaranteeing a clean and healthy garden.

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