Pre-Construction Termite Control Service in Kolkata

Your home is an investment that should last for a long time. So, you should not take any chances to combat the most destructive force on this planet, termites. Pre-construction termite control prevents bugs from entering your property during the construction of your property. Goodbye Pest has a resounding pre-construction plan that would provide the best barrier against termites.

Aim of Pre-Construction Treatment

The ultimate aim of any pest control management is to provide a robust chemical barrier against bugs. We use natural anti-termite chemicals, and skilled contractors handle your project. It’s also necessary to get chemicals approved by Central Insecticides Boards prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards.

You should also consider the moisture level of the soil before conducting the treatment. The ground should be rain-free and should be treated with anti-termite chemicals. The treatment procedure follows four essential stages:

  • Trenching the bottom and sides of the foundation
  • Backfill that comes in contact with the foundation
  • Bridge of wall and floor
  • Filling of the top surface
  • External boundary of the following

Contact Goodbye Pest today before constructing a building. We have expert technicians that would help you to form the most significant barrier for your property.

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